  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Joe has no path to victory. You cowards won’t lift a finger to change course.

To: Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Peters, Pres. Biden, Sen. Stabenow

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 15

You had your chance, you failed. You never fully grasped what was at stake, you failed. You have no path to victory in November because you failed. You will continue to get destroyed by the fascist because you don’t have what it takes to win. You can’t even beat a 34x felon fascist rapist insurrectionist with the powers of the presidency and senate. If this wasn’t so sad I’d be laughing. This country is going to be destroyed because of you and your failure. How utterly pathetic. It’s truly disgusting. I vote down ballot blue every year since 2008. Not this time. Do you know why? Because you protect the wealthy and the elites, you say you want to curb corruption but you can’t even get money out of politics, you can’t even give out justice. You can’t even run a good candidate for president. You can’t even protect the constitution. You can’t even govern. You have no future. This country has no future. Thanks to people who put their head in the sand and walk into an election where their candidate has no path to victory. I hope Trump wins and destroys everything this nation has become. We need to rebuild this nation and the cess pool it has become. You know what’s going to stop the fascists republicans? Civil war. That’s where YOU have left us.

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