  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Biden has no path to victory. You have your head in the sand. We will lose.

To: Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Stabenow, Sen. Peters, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 15

You have lost my confidence, my respect, my hope, my country. Joe Biden has no path to victory. You are letting us walk into a MAGA domination that will destroy the rule of law, the constitution, our democracy. The corruption on all sides has dwindled any resemblance of a fair and free society. Money rules Washington and you let the status quo get so bad, Trump the rapist 34x felon insurrectionist is going to win. He will destroy Ukraine, Palestine, Taiwan. You have a direct path to all those failures and I hold you accountable. If nothing changes, if you don’t fight for democracy with a new ticket I’ll watch this country burn and you will not get my vote or my dollars. You will not ever be able to go back from this, no one can. Shame on you for putting your heads in the sand while MAGA gaslight America with their fake outrage that a republican conservative gun loving cultist with a AR-15 shot Donald Trump. You let them take the message and now Biden is dropping his campaign ads. You are failing us. It’s so sad. It’s so pathetic. It’s so dangerous.

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