  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Ceasefire Now, No More Aid to Israel

To: Rep. Suozzi, Sen. Schumer, Pres. Biden, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Hicksville, NY

August 10

How many mornings must we wake up to the horrifying news of yet another Israeli atrocity born down on children, women, men - civilians? This time those gathered in prayer, sheltering at a SCHOOL! Or the news of Israelis rioting for their right to rape prisoners. Or the continued mass starvation and dehydration… Or the stoking of a polio epidemic… And the news that the Biden administration gave $3.5billion to Israel for them to buy even more US bombs to kill more women, children, babies, civilians… Stop funding genocide. We all see it and your continued support of it. It is beyond disgusting. Israel is not defending itself. It is committing genocide within its apartheid state, stoking a world war, and you are making us support it. They clearly do not care about their hostages. Stop the rhetoric, end the genocide, ceasefire 300 days ago, NO MORE AID TO ISRAEL, in any form, ever again.

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