  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Reform exploitative prison labor, ensure inmate worker rights

To: Sen. Cornyn, Pres. Biden, Rep. Casar, Sen. Cruz

From: A verified voter in Austin, TX

May 16

Prisoners are being subjected to dangerous working conditions with inadequate training, safety protocols, and access to medical care. This treatment violates basic human rights and labor protections that all workers should be entitled to, regardless of incarceration status. These systemic issues stem from the exploitative nature of prison labor, rooted in outdated laws and policies that need to be reformed. While work opportunities can provide rehabilitation and skills for prisoners, the system must prioritize their health, safety, and human dignity over corporate profits. Immediate action is needed to investigate these atrocities, ensure proper oversight and accountability measures are in place, and grant incarcerated workers the same rights and protections afforded to the general workforce.

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