  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Joe will lose by a landslide and you know it. Your silence will be the cause.

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Stabenow, Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Peters

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 16

The time is now, you just act. Joe Biden is going to lose this election. All the data all the polling all the indicators point to a MAGA dominated swing state turn out. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting to lose democracy? Are you waiting to lose the constitution? Are you waiting to lose the rule of law? Are you waiting for Ukraine, Palestine, and Taiwan to fall in a matter of months after Trump does deals for Trump towers in Moscow, Beijing, and Israel? If Biden gets the nomination, if you help fast track his candidacy, if you don’t speak out NOW… you will lose my vote forever. You will never see a penny. I will campaign against you, I will fund your opponent, and I won’t for Joe Biden. I’m a down ballot blue voter since my first election in 2008. I’ll sit back and watch this country burn because you failed to act. Joe Biden’s mental decline and popularity are awful. His disapprovals are horrendous. His legacy will be shattered if he stays in and this country and the world will suffer. It’s your call, as the representatives of my State, my district IM CALLING of you to do whats necessary to save democracy. You have one option and that’s to speak the truth, Joe Biden has no path to victory.

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