  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Durbin, Sen. Duckworth, Pres. Biden, Rep. Ramirez

From: A constituent in Chicago, IL

July 12

President Biden's entrance into the 2024 presidential race raises concerns about the Democratic Party's ability to defeat Donald Trump and safeguard American democracy. Recent polls indicate worsening prospects for Biden in swing states, exacerbated by his advanced age and perceived lack of a compelling vision for the future. His debate performance last month was alarming, suggesting he may no longer possess the vitality required for such a grueling campaign against a formidable opponent like Trump. While Biden's long record of public service is admirable, the stakes are too high to risk a Trump resurgence with its associated threats to democratic norms and institutions. For the sake of the nation and to honor his own stated commitment to putting country over party, Biden should heed the growing calls from Democrats to withdraw from the race. This difficult decision would allow a new generation of leaders to emerge and present a stronger, more vigorous challenge to Trump's "MAGA authoritarianism." The future of American democracy hangs in the balance. Biden has an opportunity to prioritize the national interest over personal ambition by passing the torch to a candidate better positioned to defeat Trump decisively. Refusing to do so would undermine the very principles of democratic succession he has sworn to uphold throughout his career of public service.

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