Demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza
  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Duckworth, Sen. Durbin, Rep. Davis

From: A constituent in Oak Park, IL

May 12

END IT NOW: Demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza Demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza to stop the bloodshed and allow for desperately needed aid to reach the besieged territory. This senseless conflict has caused immense suffering, displacing hundreds of thousands and depriving civilians of basic essentials like food, water, and medical care. The mass forced evacuations from areas like Rafah and Jabalia have created an unlivable situation with no safe refuge. Further military action will only compound the trauma and devastation already inflicted. A lasting ceasefire paves the way for unconditional prisoner release and the rebuilding process that Gaza so urgently requires. Prioritizing an end to hostilities is the sole path to addressing this catastrophe humanely and restoring dignity to the Palestinian people.

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