  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Reinstate funding to UNRWA, impose an arms embargo on Israel for blocking aid

To: Sen. Murphy, Sen. Blumenthal, Pres. Biden, Rep. Courtney

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

September 5, 2024

It is deeply concerning that Israel continues to impede life-saving humanitarian aid from reaching people in Gaza, including polio vaccination teams. This obstruction puts vulnerable children at grave risk of contracting a preventable disease and exacerbates the ongoing public health crisis in the besieged territory. The polio outbreak underscores the urgent need to lift the illegal blockade and ensure unimpeded access for medical personnel and supplies. To address this unacceptable situation, it is imperative to reinstate full funding for UNRWA, the UN agency providing vital services to Palestinian refugees. Additionally, comprehensive measures, including a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel, must be implemented to pressure the occupying forces to end their brutal policies and enable the free movement of humanitarian aid across Gaza's borders. Allowing this oppression to persist will only compound the suffering and deteriorate conditions further. Urgent action grounded in human rights and international law is needed to prevent more lives from being needlessly lost.

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