  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Biden should heed calls to step aside for new leadership

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Tonko, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Waterford, NY

July 2

Joe Biden's poor debate performance has sparked widespread concerns about his age and cognitive abilities, undermining confidence in his candidacy. While he has served admirably, the mounting calls for him to withdraw demonstrate a growing belief that new leadership is needed to defeat Trump and advance the Democratic agenda. Rather than jeopardizing crucial priorities like protecting democracy, restoring unity, and tackling climate change, stepping aside would allow the party to rally behind a nominee with the vigor and clarity to effectively champion these critical issues. Continuing his campaign risks fracturing the party and playing into Republican attacks at a time when unity and strength are paramount. For the good of the country, Biden should heed the growing voices urging him to pave the way for a new standard-bearer who can reinvigorate the party's vision.

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