Published May 2, 2018 / Updated August 6, 2020

One Vote For Net Neutrality

Democrats need one vote to put the House on the record on Net Neutrality.

by Chris Thomas

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Photo via Josh Gruber and Creative Commons

In the last hours of April, Senator Ed Markey tweeted, jubilantly, that a Senate vote on Net Neutrality is on the calendar.

As the hash-tag “#OneMoreVote” implies, the Democrats are one vote shy of the requisite 51 to push the issue through the Senate and put the entire House membership on the record on Net Neutrailty heading into the 2018 midterms.

Republicans do not want to be on the record on Net Neutrality going into the midterms.

As this column has pointed out before, there is absolutely no chance of this legislation actually changing the policy of the FCC. Even if another Senate Republican flips on Net Neutrality, the House will certainly vote to oppose it. Even if the House inexplicably backs Net Neutrality the President will veto it. This issue was dead before the ink was dry on the Senate Resolution; actually changing the FCC’s ruling will require not just Congressional majorities, but probably the White House as well.

The 2018 mid-terms are the first step towards that goal. While putting the Senate on the record is important, the House is where the GOP will really feel the pressure. Only a third of the Senate is up for re-election while the entire House is up for grabs. If Democrats can turn the House race into a national referendum on Trump and Net Neutrality the 2018 elections will be historic.

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More on Net Neutrality

Want to learn more about Net Neutrality and the fight to save it? Check out these articles from the Resistbot archives.

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