

  1. United States
  2. New York
  3. Sen. Charles Schumer

Sen. Charles Schumer

% Approval
Map PinRye Brook, NY

Strengthen school safety, address gun violence after tragedy

This shooting at Apalachee High School that left four people dead, including two students and two teachers, is a devastating tragedy. The fact that the suspect is a 14-year-old student is even more heartbreaking. While the investigation is ongoing, this incident underscores the urgent need for stron

Map PinBrooklyn, NY

Support Senator Sanders’ Resolution for an Arms Embargo on Israel

I am writing to express my strong support for the resolution Senator Bernie Sanders plans to bring to the Senate floor, calling for an arms embargo on Israel. This resolution is not only legally sound but also rooted in the principles of justice and human rights that the United States has historical

Verified VoterOssining, NY

Subsidize COVID testing

I just found out that my health insurer, Aetna, is no longer covering OTC COVID tests. As a hospital employee who works with people with pulmonary conditions, I see firsthand that this still is a lethal disease. The government should continue to subsidize free COVID testing for all. When people c

Map PinGarden City, NY

Save Palestine

End all support for the rogue, genocidal state of Israel.

Verified VoterSchenectady, NY

Why are we still bombing innocents in Palestine? Gaza to the West Bank, are we planning to wait until it is all rubble and overtaken by illegal Israeli settlements before we say 'oops'? How much more destruction must there be before we admit to our part in this genocide, before we wise up and recogn

Map PinGarden City, NY

Joint Resolution of Disapproval for $20 billion Arms Deal to Israel

Call for a joint resolution of disapproval for the $20,000,000,000 arms package which will enable Israel to potentially carry out a 'final solution' type continued military action and make their genocide of the Palestinian people orders of magnitude worse than it is. I pray that you find some place

Map PinGarden City, NY

Joint resolution of disapproval now

Put in place an arms embargo to the apartheid state of Israel. End all U.S. support financially, militarily, and otherwise.

Map PinStaten Island, NY

Years of medical malpractice at New York Presbyterian hospital

1/28/24: Hospitalized at NY Presbyterian Weill Cornell for escalating paralysis my 4th time since Jan 2023. I’ve endured 6 failed interventions involving Medtronic’s Synchromed II damaging my spine. Despite warnings in their manual medical staff wont consult them worsening my condition. Two years I

Map PinChamplain, NY

Pass the UAPDA for humanity’s sake!

Hello, I’m writing to urge you to pass and support the very important UAPDA. It is imperative the the public have access and protection against private agents when it comes to the issue of UAPs and alien technology in general. The technology we could gain access to could change (and potentially save

Map PinNew York, NY

Ban assault weapons

Ban the sale of assault weapons to the public in the USA permanently NOW

Map PinBrooklyn, NY

No The rightward swing to attract votes from the republicans is overt and pathetic. Pulled right on the border bill, ignoring the BLM movement and stressing laws and order, and most disgustingly echoing demonstrably false AIPAC talking points in an acceptance speech. I would never have voted for Bid

Map PinGarden City, NY

End all aid to Israel immediately.

Map PinNew York, NY

Stop denying Palestinian-Americans — Let Them Speak

Stop silencing Palestinian voices. Let them speak. I wholeheartedly agree with representative Ilhan Omar's statement that, “If we lose Michigan by a hair… it will be hard not to conclude that a reason why is because we did not treat these people with respect they deserve and instead just wished the

Map PinGarden City, NY

U.S. Military Aid & Israel

End all military aid to Israel now.

Verified VoterLynbrook, NY

Immediate Action Required: End U.S. Military Aid to Israel, Save Our Democracy

I write to you today with a grave sense of urgency. The American people are growing increasingly furious at your complicity in the ongoing Palestinian Holocaust. The violence and human rights abuses being carried out with the full support of our government are not only morally indefensible but also

Map PinGarden City, NY

End Genocide Now

Stop the billions of dollars being sent to Israel which will inevitably be used to further their genocide of the Palestinian Territories, particularly Gaza. Do not support a rogue, genocidal state.

Verified VoterLynbrook, NY

Reject S.1504: Condemn Genocide, Uphold Human Rights

I am writing to you with utmost urgency and condemnation regarding the bill S.1504, the “Ensuring Peace Through Strength in Israel Act.” This bill, which aims to enhance Israel’s military capabilities through annual assessments and stockpiling of munitions, is a blatant endorsement of genocide. Isr

Verified VoterNew York, NY

Court reform must be Dem priority & added to party platform!

I'm a Dem-registered, voting constituent in zipcode 10029. I just learned that this year's Dem/DNC platform doesn't include court reform, & am alarmed at that omission. SCOTUS has been in need of expansion, ethics rules/oversight, & reform for a long time, but we are currently at "five-alarm fire" l

Map PinGarden City, NY

Arms Embargo on Israel

Reverse the billions slated to go to Israel for their continued genocide of Gaza. Enact an arms embargo on Israel at least until they show solid evidence of ending their military action against Gaza (including their breaches of the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute).

Verified VoterSchenectady, NY

If we stopped killing Palestinian civilians, we could actually help keep Sudan alive. All that money going into bombs could go into food and water and aid. Then maybe we could feel a bit more proud of being involved internationally, instead of being ashamed for our abuses of power worldwide. There a

Map PinGarden City, NY

U.S. / Israeli Relations

Congress End all support for the genocidal state of Israel by canceling the payment of billions which will inevitably lead to tens of thousands of murdered children.

Map PinJamaica, NY

End Child Marriage Now

I am writing to urge you to support a ban on child marriage in the United States. As you know, this is a serious issue that has devastating consequences for young people. According to a recent Newsweek article, nearly 300,000 children were married in the United States between 2000 and 2018. Child m

Map PinGarden City, NY

End Israeli Crimes Against Humanity

End all funding packages to Israel. The Israeli military are continually violating the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute. We can be better than aiding and abetting crimes against humanity.

Map PinGarden City, NY

Israel, The Geneva Conventions, and the Rome Accord; Crimes Against Humanity

I beg that you reverse the 20 billion dollar package to Israel as the government continues to violate the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute. I pray that you do not continue to enable this government and be culpable of crimes against humanity yourself. Please protect the people of Palestine. I

Verified VoterVictor, NY

I saw on the news that Congresswoman Tenney is against several OSHA requirements for Firefighters, saying some of the new requirements are too costly and unnecessary. Rather than challenging OSHA (which is there to protect our wonderful firefighters), why not give grants or Federal aid to Fire Depa

Verified VoterSchenectady, NY

The fda must authorize updated moderna and novavax covid vaccines immediately

The FDA must urgently approve the updated Moderna and Novavax COVID-19 vaccines for an earlier release between mid-July and early August. Delaying the rollout until the typical fall timeline is unacceptable given the significant mutations we have seen that require updating our immune memory response

Map PinGarden City, NY

U.S. & the Geneva Conventions

End all U.S. support for Israel.

Map PinGarden City, NY

U.S. & Israeli Relations

End all support for Israel. The Israeli military has been and continues to violate the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute. Do not continue your complicity. End genocide now.

Map PinNew York, NY

Stop brutally murdering innocent people.

WTF!!! You have allowed the psychopathic Israeli state to bomb yet another School, blowing children to bloody pieces. When the Hell are you going to do something definitive and effective to stop this insanity? How do you live with yourselves?

Map PinHicksville, NY

Ceasefire Now, No More Aid to Israel

How many mornings must we wake up to the horrifying news of yet another Israeli atrocity born down on children, women, men - civilians? This time those gathered in prayer, sheltering at a SCHOOL! Or the news of Israelis rioting for their right to rape prisoners. Or the continued mass starvatio

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