  1. United States
  2. Vt.
  3. Letter

SCOTUS Ethics and today’s decision

To: Sen. Sanders, Sen. Welch, Rep. Balint

From: A constituent in Montpelier, VT

July 1

A few days ago, I wrote encouraging you to speedily work to establish ethical oversight of SCOTUS. Today’s disastrous decision, essentially giving Trump dictator-like powers with no oversight, demonstrates that the issue is even more dire than I had thought. It is noteworthy that TWO of the justices involved have ties to the insurrectionists - Alito and Thomas. The court must be reformed. I don’t care how. I don’t care what you have to do to make it happen. But SCOTUS has given the President powers that the Founders specifically warned against - they said that no man is above the law - but now the President can do almost anything within the realm of “official powers”. Fix this. You are my elected representatives. I am holding YOU responsible for this travesty.

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