  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden, Rep. Schakowsky, Sen. Durbin, Sen. Duckworth

From: A constituent in Chicago, IL

June 25

Everyday I read and watch local, national, and international news. I obviously only get a glimpse compared to the information you are provided. I wonder how you can see and know all of that and not scream from the rooftops that we need to take care of each other. Imagine if we sent food and clothing instead of bombs. Imagine if we fed and clothed children here. Imagine a world where the evil of companies and lobbyists like Raytheon wasn’t in control. Imagine a world where people in charge cared more about people than power. I imagine that world. I imagine how much more powerful a nation could be if it truly led with its heart and not with greed, corruption, and violence. We are running to Star Wars when we could be working towards Star Trek (a post scarcity world). The amount of money and resources we’ve sent to murder Palestinians could’ve fixed poisonous lead pipes in the United States. We are killing their babies and poisoning our own babies. Stop sending weapons to Israel full stop. Stop sending money to Israel full stop. Remember Bibi said he could do it on his own. Let him. We need a serious course correction, let the first thing be to stop supporting genocide. The majority of the U.S. and world see our policies forth they are - atrocities. We can stop being a murderous force and can start being a change for good.

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