  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Espaillat, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in New York, NY

November 9

The recent violence in Amsterdam sparked by Israeli soccer fans chanting racist slurs, attacking residents, and vandalizing Palestinian stores is deeply concerning. While any form of antisemitism must be condemned, we cannot overlook the anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian hatred that ignited these incidents. The actions of the soccer hooligans, whose fans have a history of using racist language against Blacks and Arabs, should not be defended or excused. We need to address the root causes of such hatred and hold those responsible accountable, regardless of which community they target. A balanced and principled stance against all forms of racism, xenophobia, and violence is imperative for maintaining a just and inclusive society.

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