  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Casey, Pres. Biden, Sen. Fetterman, Rep. Lee

From: A constituent in Pittsburgh, PA

July 16

I support President Biden's efforts to reform the Supreme Court by implementing ethics guidelines, term limits, and potentially overturning the ruling on judicial immunity.   Ethics reform is crucial to ensure that all justices on the Supreme Court maintain the highest level of integrity and impartiality in their decision-making. By establishing clear ethics guidelines, we can help prevent conflicts of interest and ensure that the court remains fair and just for all.   Implementing term limits for Supreme Court justices is also a necessary step towards ensuring a more diverse and accountable judiciary. Justices serving for life can lead to stagnation and lack of fresh perspectives on the court. By introducing term limits, we can promote turnover and bring in new voices and ideas to the highest court in the land.   Overturning the ruling on judicial immunity is a bold but necessary move to hold justices accountable for their actions. No one should be above the law, including those who serve on the Supreme Court. By allowing justices to be sued for decisions made on the bench, we can ensure that they are held to the same standards as any other public official.   Overall, these reforms are essential to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the Supreme Court. By implementing ethics guidelines, term limits, and potentially overturning judicial immunity, we can ensure that the court upholds the values of justice, fairness, and accountability for all Americans.

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