Disappointment in your lack of support for the Jewish community.
  1. United States
  2. Vt.
  3. Letter

Disappointment in your lack of support for the Jewish community.

To: Rep. Balint, Sen. Welch, Sen. Sanders

From: A constituent in Burlington, VT

April 17

Vermont Congressional Delegation, I was deeply disappointed in your lack of support for HR 883. The phrase “From the River to the Sea” is a call for either the genocide or forced displacement of the 7 million Jews living in Israel. I do not understand how that can be construed as anything _but_ antisemitic. I wholly support Palestinian rights and a two-state solution. I very much hope there is a _bilateral_ ceasefire and a hostage deal soon. That does not in anyway justify this phrase. I would strongly encourage you to consult the Jewish community and use more nuanced thinking on these issues. Vermont’s Jewish community feels deeply hurt and misled by your actions.

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