Be proactive on Avian Flu Testing and Mitigation
  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Be proactive on Avian Flu Testing and Mitigation

To: Rep. Lee, Sen. Fetterman, Sen. Casey, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Pittsburgh, PA

April 27

I am writing out of concern about the Avian Flu HPAI. It is showing up more widely in mammals, even a dolphin in Florida. It’s been found in our milk supply as well. The milk is “presumed” safe, but it is still unknown. There is no oversight to testing farm animals at the moment, and it doesn’t seem like any action is being taken to organize and require testing. We clearly have done a terrible job and learned absolutely nothing in how we so poorly handled Covid and continue to do so by ignoring and minimizing its long term impact. If we are not proactive on containing and preparing for a possible jump into human to human spread, we are in grave danger. Not only is a large portion of our food supply in jeopardy, but the lives of countless animals and humans are at stake as well. It’s hard to say anyone really cares at this juncture, but I hope that immediate action is taken to prevent significant losses, both in lives, livelihoods, and the stability of our country and economy. I implore you to take this seriously and get ahead of it. We’ve been dealing with this already for years, and now it’s at a tipping point. Make public health a priority, and not this “you do you” individualistic trend like we’ve seen with covid.

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