Published July 24, 2017 / Updated August 22, 2020

The Republican Health Care Journey

Latest GOP health care effort still drives up ininsured and premiums, removes pre-existing protection protections.

by Caitlin Martin

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Compare and Contrast the Republican Solutions

Here’s how the various Republican healthcare bills stack up on major issues of concern to the American public:

Cost of Repeal-Only

The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Budget estimated in January that a repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will cost the federal government about $350 billion, spread over 10 years. Repeal-only leaves no funds available for replace legislation. This analysis looks only at the cost to the federal government and doesn’t account for costs to insurance companies, hospitals, physicians, etc. The economic impact on the millions of Americans who would lose coverage is also not estimated.

Impact on Rural Healthcare

Since 2010, about 79 rural hospitals have closed across the nation and nearly 700 more are at risk of closing. In many areas, these hospitals are the only place communities access healthcare. The closure of these hospitals has additional impacts on jobs, property values, and schools since they are often one of the largest employers in the area. Decreasing Medicaid funding, reducing coverage for essential health benefits puts coverage out of reach for rural Americans who will begin to live more often in coverage deserts.

Take a Stroll Down Memory Lane with our Coverage of Republican Healthcare

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