To change laws and public policy at the federal, state, or local level.
Stop abusing people who are living on the streets because of your policies.
To State Governors (Calif. only)
Just Say No to Bitcoin
To the U.S. Senate
Masking works to slow the spread of Covid
To the U.S. Congress
Only one day of isolation recommended for Covid‽
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Fill the USPS Board of Governors Vacancies with Progressives!
To the President
Rail workers deserve sick days
To the U.S. Congress
How many more must die before you act?
To the U.S. Congress
Meet with the farmworkers, Governor Newsom!
To State Governors (Calif. only)
We need to do better to stop covid
To the President
Why are you on recess?!
To the U.S. Congress
No recess without covid aid
To the U.S. Senate
Don't delay the election, lockdown and m4a instead.
To the U.S. Congress
USPS is critical infrastructure
To the U.S. Congress
Ensure everyone can vote by mail in November.
To the U.S. Congress
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