To change laws and public policy at the federal, state, or local level.
We need a 100% tax on billionaires
To the U.S. Congress
We need a 100% Tax on Billionaires
To State Governors & Legislatures
Expand Harm Reduction Funding
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Dismantle the tools of fascism
To the U.S. Congress
End For-profit Utilities
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
End For-profit Utilities
To State Governors & Legislatures
End Social Security Deduction Limits for the Rich
To the President & U.S. Congress
International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
To State Governors & Legislatures
End border violence
To the President & U.S. Congress
Universal Healthcare saves lives
To the President & U.S. Congress
Why are we using police to address health issues?
To State Governors & Legislatures
Why are we using police to address health issues?
To the President & U.S. Congress
Protect Our Bodies
To the U.S. Congress
Renew and Expand Syringe Service Program Funding
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Stop appeasing Fascism and support candidates who will fight it.
To the Democratic National Committee
No Confidence in the Supreme Court
To the President & U.S. Congress
Fight Authoritarianism, Unpack the Court
To the President & U.S. Congress
Support the Food and Agribusiness Merger Moratorium and Antitrust Review Act
To the U.S. Congress
Oppose or Amend AB 1627
To State Senates (Calif. only)
Vote Yes on AB 2053
To State Legislatures (Calif. only)
Support the 32 hour work week
To State Legislatures (Calif. only)
Defund the Military and invest in the people
To the U.S. Congress
Congressional Corruption and Insider Trading
To the President & U.S. Congress
Pass AB1400
To State Legislatures (Calif. only)
Clear Cannabis Convictions
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Fight Congressional Corruption
To the President & U.S. Congress
Rewild California
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Fix the Supreme Court
To the President & U.S. Congress
Universal automatic voter registration
To the President & U.S. Congress
Decriminalize Sex Work
To State Legislatures
Support Tennant Unions
To State Governors & Legislatures
Uphold Our Treaty Obligations
To the President & U.S. Congress
Sign SB354
To State Governors (Calif. only)
Monopoly was a warning, not a goal.
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Support the Keep Renters Safe Act
To the President & U.S. Congress
Stop US Human Rights abuses
To the President & U.S. Congress
Voting Needs an Upgrade
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Decriminalize Bodily Autonomy
To State Governors & Legislatures
We Need a Maximum Wage
To the President & U.S. Congress
We need a maximum wage
To State Governors & Legislatures
Be adequate
To the President & U.S. Congress
Vote yes on AB937
To State Legislatures (Calif. only)
Criminalize wage theft
To State Governors & Legislatures
Stop congressional non-binary discrimination
To the U.S. Congress
Shelter is a basic human right
To the President & U.S. Congress
Shelter is a human right
To State Governors & Legislatures
Take responsibility for the refugees we created
To the President & U.S. Congress
Cut military spending
To the President & U.S. Congress
End plutocracy
To the President & U.S. Congress
Ambulances aren't luxuries
To State Governors & Legislatures
Recycling starts with corporations
To the President & U.S. Congress
Ban scabs and require strike pay
To State Governors & Legislatures
Ban scabs and require strike pay
To the President & U.S. Congress
We need a maximum wage
To State Governors & Legislatures
We need a maximum wage
To the President & U.S. Congress
Decriminalize Bodily Autonomy
To the President & U.S. Congress
Stop Criminalizing Bodily Autonomy
To State Governors & Legislatures
End the corporate espionage of our democracy
To State Governors & Legislatures
Cops off Campus
To State Governors & Legislatures
Pass the Equality Act now
To the U.S. Congress
Uphold your promise and decriminalize marijuana.
To the President
Combat AAPI bigotry within the state
To State Governors & Legislatures
Oppose the Methamphetamine Response Act. No more funding for White Supremacy.
To the U.S. Congress
Support the full implementation of SB 1079
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Support the PRO Act
To the U.S. Congress
Expand Unemployment Permanently
To the U.S. Congress
Revoke the Authorization to Use Military Force
To the U.S. Congress
Restore All Prisoners Voting Rights
To State Governors & Legislatures
Support the Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act
To the U.S. Congress
End drug raids
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
End the Federal Death Penalty
To the President
Stop Amazon's Union Busting
To the U.S. Congress
Return Mount Rushmore
To the U.S. Congress
End At-will employment
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
The Federal Government should recognize the Chinook Nation.
To the U.S. Congress
End ICE's racist practices and save lives
To the President
Support the For The People Act of 2021
To the U.S. Congress
Nobody should live in poverty.
To the President
End For-profit Utilities
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
End Public Prison Profiteering as well.
To the U.S. Congress
Tax the rich, feed the poor
To the U.S. Congress
Abolish Slavery
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Fund Tax Enforcement for the Rich
To the U.S. Congress
Support the USPS Fairness Act
To the U.S. Congress
Invest in Community Land Trusts
To State Governors & Legislatures
All packaging needs to be minimized and biodegradable.
To the U.S. Congress
All packaging needs to be minimized and biodegradable.
To State Governors & Legislatures
Support the Raise the Minimum Wage Act of 2021
To the U.S. Senate
Save lives, not profits
To State Governors & Legislatures
Commute the death sentence
To the President
Statehood for DC and representation for All.
To the U.S. Congress
Remove Voting Barriers
To State Governors & Legislatures
Nobody should be illegal
To the U.S. Congress
We must fight fascism with radical democracy
To the U.S. Congress
More anti-trust enforcement
To the U.S. Congress
Executive Accountability
To the U.S. Congress
Trust in Government Requires Accountability to the People.
To the U.S. Congress
Defund, Disarm, Abolish the Police.
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Education for everyone
To the U.S. Congress
Fair wages for prisoners
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Honor the treaties to Native Americans
To the U.S. Congress
Listen to and Support Native Americans.
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Cut the military budget and help people instead
To the U.S. Congress
Support Co-op Businesses
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Tax the rich
To the U.S. Congress
Presidential Accountability
To the U.S. Congress
Nationalize PG&E
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Harm Reduction
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Abolish ICE
To the U.S. Congress
We need Democracy not platitudes.
To the U.S. Congress
Universal voting
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
Housing Crisis
To State Governors & Legislatures (Calif. only)
To the U.S. Congress
Right to vote
To the U.S. Congress
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